Lotus Sisters
5 min readApr 22, 2020


4/20 Chronicles: Let’s Be Blunt


Welcome to the Lotus sisters blog! We will be sharing our experiences and opinions on different topics. We also want this to be a safe space for all of our Kreyol and Caribbean sisters to share their viewpoints while creating a sisterhood, so don’t be shy ladies! This is raw and uncut.

Disclaimer: This blog was not written while high.

Happy 4/20! Hopefully you enjoyed the national holiday to its fullest extent, because we sure did (shhh). Anyway, let’s be blunt.. It’s true that cannabis is still illegal on the Federal level but, as more and more states say yes to legalization, that hasn’t stopped the cannabis industry from booming. Good news is that the country as a whole has shifted its perspective on cannabis. Bad news for those of us who were raised in a Haitian household, it is still very much frowned upon. This blog is not going to focus too much on our upbringing #IYKYK. Another disclaimer: we know there are a lot of people who grew up in a Caribbean household that don’t smoke nor do they feed into the 4/20 hype, However this blog is for the millennials who don’t mind smoking a blunt or two, or three (no judgment zone). Let’s get right into it, shall we?

Can you remember the first time you watched someone roll a perfect blunt? Or the first time you smoked a blunt? You started coughing, your throat was burning and you automatically regret your decision. But your friend reassures you that you have baby lungs, and if you keep smoking you’ll get used to it. Remember? That was probably years or months ago but like they say: “Nothing like the first time.” After that, you feel like a semi-pro: you smoked your first blunt. Congratulations! Now you wait, sh** is about to get weird, real quick.

One moment you were fine, and then- “Woah”- you were gone. It grabs a hold just that fast and is what we’ve dubbed the “what-the-F***-just-happened moment”. It’s one of our favorite parts of getting high. You probably leaned to one of your friends and whispered “B****, I’m high right now” (we always do). Then you guys burst into laughter that lasts way longer than it was supposed to. Then you lean into the couch or chair and melt away, your arms and legs feel heavy and you won’t be able to move, but you don’t even care at this time. All of your worries start to disappear. After you’ve come to terms with the euphoria that you’re experiencing, you start to think about things that you’ve never thought about before or you start to analyze why corona is trying to ruin your summer.. Right? Then you get overwhelmed, so you include your friends into this deep discussion, where you realize you’re a genius. Now. I don’t know about you, but smoking does something to us sexually. So if you were one of the lucky ones, you probably got laid and although sex is already good by itself, but doing it while high was Mind blown! That’s right, we said blown. But if that night wasn’t your night, you went straight to paranoia and a combination of the munchies. You suddenly make the decision that everyone is out to get you, but you need a ride to Wawa to get snacks, so you’re willing to risk it all. Now you’re at Wawa amazed at how much snacks and food they have to offer and become unsure if you should take one of each or just a hoagie and a few snacks. At this point, you’ve already spotted two FBI agents and the cashier is undercover DEA. You’re trying your hardest to play it cool, but these two hoagies, four bags of chips, and two boxes of cookies isn’t helping the cause. You hurry up and pay for your stuff (thank God for Apple Pay). You hop in the car, tell your friend to hurry up, someone’s watching you. the trip home is filled with conspiracies and officers and agents of every conceivable law-enforcement agency on the planet…and they’re all out to get you. At this point you just want to make it back to the couch before you get arrested.

You guys get back to the house, and you head straight to the fridge as if you didn’t just buy everything at Wawa. (Why do we always go to the fridge first?) you’re so hungry at this point you could eat a horse, so you start tearing away your food and it tastes 10x better than any restaurant you’ve ever been to. Everything tastes better when high (wink wink). When you’re done stuffing your face, you feel a sense of content. It is at this moment that you decide that being a pothead isn’t so bad after all and tell your friends to roll up another one (ayyee).

Tomorrow will be more productive”, you say to yourself, unless you skip your daily responsibilities and get high again, and that is totally okay, especially during quarantine. As your body and mind begin to calm down, you decide to drive home or just hop into a nearby bed and pass out.

I think we hit it right on the nail with this one… what do you think?

It’s unclear when and where the holiday 4/20 began, we’re just glad it gives us an excuse to gather our favorite pothead friends and just enjoy good company and some very good cannabis.

Let’s be Blunt! Everyone experiences being high differently, and that’s okay. That is one of the good things about being high, you can say or do the most creative or outright ridiculous things. There are many stages of being high so if u didn’t experience any of the ones explained in the story above, In celebration of 4/20,or smoking cannabis in general, let’s get our creative juices flowing & name your own stage of being high.

Remember ladies, a friend with weed is a friend indeed.

This is a blog that aims to create a sisterhood through experiences, so if you enjoyed this blog, share it with a friend and comment down below. Don’t be afraid to share your stories too!



Lotus Sisters

Kreyol sisters looking to inspire by sharing our life stories as we venture clumsily through it. We want to build a sisterhood through experiences.